Bali to Nusa Penida
Traveling from Bali to Nusa Penida can be reached by 30 minutes sea transport using a fast boat from Sanur to Nusa Penida. Fast boat Bali to Penida is a medium boat with a capacity of 30 – 90 passenger seats and made of fiber. The vessel is powered by 800 to 2000 Horse Power depending on the boat size.
Fast Boat to Nusa Penida
How to get to Nusa Penida From Sanur?
Among allof these ports, the Sanur port is the most frequently used by fast boats traveling from Bali to Nusa Penida. Various types of boats can be found in Sanur. Transfer time from all ports in Bali to Nusa Penida is almost the same, around 30 to 45 minutes depending on the sea weather. Because Sanur is the nearest port to the city center, it is also the most popular port to Nusa Penida.
The fast boat schedule from Sanur to Nusa Penida
Padangbai to Nusa Penida
Most travelers know about Padangbai Port. Apart from being the main port of Fast Boat from Bali to Gili and Lombok, it is also the main port of Slow Ferry to Lombok. Padangbai
Fast Boat Recommendation
Fast Boat | Departed From | Destination |
Gangga Fast Boat | Kusamba Port | Sampalan, Nusa Penida |
Idola Fast Boat | Sanur Port | Sampalan and BanjarNyuh, Nusa Penida |
Axe Stone Fast Boat | Sanur Port | BanjarNyuh, Nusa Penida |
El Rey Fast Boat | Sanur Port | BanjarNyuh, Nusa Penida |
Bali Line Fast Boat | Serangan Port | Kutampi, Nusa Penida |
How to reach the harbor in Bali
We provide 2 types of tickets for our customers, TICKETS ONLY and FAST BOAT WITH TRANSPORT. Here are the details:
1. Ticket Only
For customers who choose tickets only, then you can arrange your own transportation to your destination port.
2. Ticket with Transport
We provide